TranscendSphere: Your Weekly Guide to the World of Transhumanity #003

Uncover trending topics at the ever-evolving intersection of technology and humanity. 

This week, we explore unexpected partnerships, from religious communities advocating for AI to medical marvels giving voice to the voiceless

So whether you’re intrigued by Elon Musk’s audacious plans or pondering the ethical implications of personal clones, this is your sanctuary for understanding the transhumanist landscape. 

Are you ready to delve in?

“Christians shouldn’t fear AI, they should partner with it” – Fox News

Reading broadly is an excellent way to try and avoid a “bubble”, but on our travels across the political spectrum, it has to be acknowledged that seeing Fox News promote AI wasn’t expected!

Is it an effective argument they levy?
All I do know is that it’s a more reasoned argument than I’ve encountered on the likes of X / Twitter, about AI…
(in truth, I’m not sure ‘argument’ is the right word for the tweets seen to date: ‘factless screaming’ does, however, fit.)

An interesting read for many reasons.

AI gave a paralysed woman her voice back – UCSF

Anne sat in silence for 18 years.
She watched her children grow around her, and her new husband at the time had to cope with the extraordinary life event that had silenced her.

Now, thanks to AI, she can ‘speak’ again.

Definitely worth a watch!

“We’re not here to play it safe” – Elon Musk

Which is fine, each to their own and all that, until you wonder who might be the collateral?

One of the best pieces of reporting that I’ve read this year. 

It’s long – if you chose to listen to it (also an option at the top of the article) prepare for an hour-long deep-dive into Space, Geopolitics, AI and much, much more.

Would you want a personal clone – or is it a Japanese thing

I’m not Japanese but potentially would SO welcome a clone, especially in the context of the article.

Indeed, I am wondering if it’s more of a pro-AI vs. anti-AI issue?

What do you think? Let us know on Twitter, er… X.

Working Through the Future of AI – IFTF

An unusual title at first glance, but not if you know either the Institute for the Future, or the keynote speakers at this free online event on September 12th.

At the moment, the World as a whole strikes me as being in three distinct camps:

  • Those who love AI
  • Those who hate/feel threatened by AI
  • Those who wonder what the hell AI is

The first two groups aren’t necessarily much better informed than the third, but here is an excellent opportunity to start dipping your toes into this subject… 

We hope you’ve enjoyed this week’s round-up, and we very much look forward to sharing our next gems with you next weekend!

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